Wednesday, May 15

Celebs News News

July 22, 2023

Ginimbis Widow Zodwa Onzi Kuita Chembere Dzagumana Chaidzo

Chembere dzagumanaAakunge Michael JacksonMa nhangirikini ake ekuseri haasi fake here??  Saw her dancing in aaaihhh Ko hazvindengendeke wani 😂😂😂handigoni zvangu make up but apa akuita kunge make up iya inoiswa zvitunha neve NyaradzoAna kuchembera heee bvuma wasakara kasi imi munoda kufa kuri vadiki ini ndoda kukita ndava gogo ndaunyana nerurimi . Hapana chino sekesa pakuchembera it’s a blessing 😒 bhita bhichiziBut mateerera zvaanga achitaura here apo? Very proud ma looks haana basa 2023 ino!!!!

July 21, 2023

Apology Letter To Maitt Zvakaoma Hazvo Uyu Aroteswa

Apology letter to Mai tt! I'm sorry for bashing you day and night wangu,you kept these women on their toes,Madam boss is now too relaxed! Come out After 9 months ,May God give u the strength to make it... They still talk about u even when u are in prison. Tete mid used to get 5 comments and 10 likes but now that she talks about u,She gets 3k comments and 1k likes, Mai tt unorema, you are the content!you gave us Content,Come out and watch all of them shake again!!!!! Katsi family ,put her in your prayers.Ana Olinda nemazinyo kunge harrraa these days she is happy&gaining weight🤣again Loveness masiriri ,will join any live if its about u Vanhu kushaya content to a point where they have talk about u while u in jail😂😂😂😂   Ketty Masomera I

July 20, 2023

Zimbabweans Oshaya Hope Nekuda Kwe Relationship Ya Peter Dhewa Moyo Na Carol Vachiri Vese Here Mushure Mekunge Takaona Nhengo Dzavo

I have an ask. Ava vachiri vese here? Makore avadanana Enzo akaramba mkadzi akaroora kamwana Kate now vatove nemwana ava vaviri vachingotsokodzera panzvimbo imwe. Inonaka zvakadii phone lulalula? America apo pakasvikwa nanaFelistas iye Peter hasati ambonhuhwako, kana iye Caro chi chinomutadzisa kupota achinowona murume? A lot does not add up here. Ndatoshaya hope nenyaya yavaviri ava. Tongoti Caro samfundisi anobikira kwake bota koPeter Osvikepi nahama mawoko one man's show?Long distance relationship haina kumboipa, inongoda kuvimbana chete pahu 4 hwenyuKutoshaya hope here amana ko pauchanzwa kuty nero aramwa ma elections musi wa 20August uchaita sei?

July 17, 2023

Madamboss And Fungai Mutisi Vonyorerwa Tsamba Yekuti Vayeuke Kwavakabva Nevakavachemgeta Vari Pwere Wow

Fungai naTyra mukawana nguva muverenge bible muzive Mwari mutendeuke. Makasiiwa muri vadiki stereki nemaparents enyu & your big sisters nevarume vavo took it upon themselves to raise you mudzimba dzavo , sevana vavo and nanhasi Tsitsi Kachembere haatogoni kukuitai anamainini anotongoti Tyra or Fungai cos makarerwa zvakafanana , as siblings and ndozvaanotoziva. Chikoro vanamdhara Kachembere vaya vaitoda kuti muende kuVar muitewo zvisvinu muve independent but iwe Tyra wakazongoramba zvako wakuita zvekwaNgundu. Relationship yabamkuru namainini inowanzonetsa, varume end up abusing tumainlaws utwu but these two men chose to be vanababa kwamuri not varume vanasisi because they care. Ikozvino makura , zvakufaya , busy kuwonererwa pafb , competition nanaMai Tt, hovhiyo nanaEvidence, nekutenga

July 17, 2023

Bee Wezhira Unoshaya Old News Nyaya Dzemuchato Wako Taneta Hatisi Kuenda Ku YouTube Konoona Mazimba Ojamuka Oramba Kuitiswa

Old news we moved on lolKunoitei they are not sviribrities no content apo better kuenda kwatete MidhuHavana basa ava that's wy they wer dragging it for YouTube views😂😂😂tozvionera kuno someone wil bring

July 06, 2023

Video Mhosva Otsanangura Zvakaitika Ne E-Creator Nyaya Yekubiwa KweMari Dzevanhu

Kana vanhu vauya vachitaurawo side ravo tinozvitenda.Ndiko kuti Influencer uku Mhosva..Welldone for addressing this E Creator issue and waita basa nekuchenesawo Madam Boss.Sorry tambokubhombai pano asi hatichade mbavha.Next time itai due diligence.MADAM BOSS and MHOSVA you are now cleared nezveE Creator chiregai timbofokasa nezvaMudhoto Joey dzanga dzawandisa nyaya dzacho dzehutsotsi zvanga zvaneconfusion.  

June 23, 2023

Pressure Yataipiwa Taitofunga Tirikuperekedza Vamwe Mukurarama Maitt Pavaitengera Vana Mabirthday Presents Emota Zvino 2 July Cat Family Motenga Chii Mai Vari Kujeri

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣pressure yatakapihwa unotoona sekuti you are unfit to be a parent vamwe vachipa vana mota pabirthday iwe uchitatarika kutenga cakePlease parents stop putting unnecessary pressure on kidz... Let kidz be kidz let them play and enjoy their childhood, don't use them as porns in your game of chess

June 20, 2023

Saka Madamboss Tochiudzwa Neguhws Kuti Wazvara Chokwadi Hamudaro Zimbabweans Not Happy After Makhadzi Leaked The Information

Saka iwe Madam Boss tochitoudzwa neguhwa kubva nanaMakhadzi kuti wazvara?Ichokwadi here ichi kana kuti Makhadzi wacho arikungohumana.Dzabu tabva naye kure achiri silicone tine kodzero yekutoona achidhonzwa musoro kuti abude

June 16, 2023

Kelly Khumalo Soecial Guest At Maiitt Wedding Oti Really Stealing Money To Fund A Wedding Mazimbabwean Makapusa Chokwadi

Kelly Khumalo laughing at Felistas Murata Let’s analyze this situation clearly. This drama started when Feli married Tinashe unexpectedly without order. Secondly borrowing money from Mildred that belonged to a deceased man and thirdly when the helicopter pilot died. The cake was upside down which is odd. It might look like a design but that represents the opposite of being upright which means chaos. This reflects that everything was set for her to be doomed. There was no blessing of any sort

June 14, 2023

Baba Vemhanza Ava Ndivo Law Who Is Trying Kuti Maitt Vabude But Njuga Dzarema Mhosva Dza Feli Dzawanda Vakundikanawo Nazvo

The lawyer who is trying to get her off the hookThis should be a lesson to all. Consider ur situation before committing. Izvi zvekuda kuzopa tumareasons twekuti usavharirwa hazvina deal. Kumedza bhonzo kutemba huro. Ndinevana  Ndinechirwere bla bla Pawaipara mhoswa waisaziva here kuti unezvese izvi. Waiti uchazoita sei. How many single and positive mothers out there varikugwesha coz they cant afford a flamboyant life style. Munoti havaidewo? Havagonewo kujuta vanhu here? They chose kutambura coz they know the consequences. Let her face the consequences. Dai akavhara vanhu achida kuwana mari yekuchipatara or yeschool fees better. Kuvhara vanhu kuti uroore murume??

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