Saturday, May 04

Hopewell CCC Voti Kana Une Something To Say Unoenda Direct To President Nelson Chamisa Not Kungobvotomoka

Anogona ane point but if he has something constructive to say he should go directly to chamisa himself and give him advice, not to do it publicly it confuses us the people that want change and are expecting chamisa to bring us that change.





The fact that he says it on social media means he undermines chamisa period. Hakuna constructive criticism pa social mediaA man of facts plus you should attentively read his posts very to get his sense 





Majaira Shona kaa🤣🤣🤣Uyu manje ndiye munhu anotaura chokwadi chisinei nekukufadzai but anotaura zviripo our problem as Zimbabweans toda kuti zvatikufungidzira ndizvo zviitike izvo zvisirizvo zviripo paground thats why tozopedzisira taneheartbreak coz zvatetichida zvisina kuitika uyu haasugar coat vanhu anotaura sezvazviri 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗usually kana ndichida kuziva zvikuitika i go to his page

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