Friday, May 03

Kufumura COS Scammer Millicent Nyangani Akatsotsa Vanhu 3500 Pounds Wanted By Police

This girl claimed to be Pamela, as care coordinator, she came for the money Millicent Nyangani is the girl who coordinated everything and appears in the photo with that celebHi Pamela, I trust you are doing well , a Zim friend of mine told me about your page , I have been scammed by 2 ladies and one guy 







They promised to bring some relatives back home to the uk for care work and charged £35,000 for it , after paying them , they issued fake cos and disappeared, they have blocked my lines , I do have a lot of evidence of this evil people,I will be happy if you can help me post them and find them avoid others falling victim of their scams. Millicent Nyangani is the girl who coordinated everything and appears in the photo with that celeb

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