Friday, May 17

Tinashe Mutarisi Opiwa Yambiro Nemuporofita Arikuda Kuvisirwa Pasi Zvicharwadza Yoyoo

Please Warn this Guy He is a Good MAN.





Yambirai Mukoma Tinashe Mutarise vasavarairwe. Varikuda kuitirwa Surprise yehupenyu hwese iyi ichavagadza pasi. Vavengi vavo vakamira chaizvo.(handidi kutaura kuti this time vachaitei tingapwe Satan manyemwe Asi izvi you will not recover)Mukoma dzokerai kuMavambo munochema munogadzirisa .Vavengi ava ingori Mhepo mukaigadzirisa havaite dambudziko renyu futi. Deal from the roots .






Don't inbox me handibatsire l just offer spiritual guidance sezvandaiita apa*Vanhu vezanu vanofunga kuti ndivo vane Tender ye mweya ye vanhu ye kufema ndosaka tichizoti zvikafa topembera because vanozviita ana






Mwari zvepano pasiPamwe this person is not even a prophet maybe its just a well-wisher akanzwa or arikuziva zviri kurongwa and he can't just come out and say it. It's up to vaMutarisi to take heed or to ignore






Ndati ndiri kunyara mukadzi mukuru🙈No weapon formed against him shall prosper you devil and your agents get thee behind his business kana urimutumwa waMwari chaiye or whatsoever After the prophesy give the solution fokofu mheni dzako nhamo wapedza don't ever wish someone bad in life

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