Monday, May 06

Baba Vemhanza Ava Ndivo Law Who Is Trying Kuti Maitt Vabude But Njuga Dzarema Mhosva Dza Feli Dzawanda Vakundikanawo Nazvo

The lawyer who is trying to get her off the hookThis should be a lesson to all. Consider ur situation before committing. Izvi zvekuda kuzopa tumareasons twekuti usavharirwa hazvina deal. Kumedza bhonzo kutemba huro.


Ndinechirwere bla bla

Pawaipara mhoswa waisaziva here kuti unezvese izvi. Waiti uchazoita sei. How many single and positive mothers out there varikugwesha coz they cant afford a flamboyant life style. Munoti havaidewo? Havagonewo kujuta vanhu here? They chose kutambura coz they know the consequences. Let her face the consequences. Dai akavhara vanhu achida kuwana mari yekuchipatara or yeschool fees better. Kuvhara vanhu kuti uroore murume??

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