Monday, May 06

Evidence Chihera Tsvaga Basa Ketty Is Trying To Help You Wakutoti Akubhadhare Ketty Anotuka Ega She Doesn't Need You Gara Pasi Seat Down Dai Wakanyattsopondwa Nevanhu Vamaitt

Chihera tsvaga ma piece job .hona even paunoda kutopiwa information inobatsira kana iwewe wakuda kutobhadharwa.rega zvee kuenda anongogara ne information yake.usamupe Ketty Masomera she now thinks uri kuda support yakeKetty doesn't need Chihera to tuka shem. evidence not everything is about mari zve. Ketty has information kuti usingise munhu akakusungisa ne vabetseri vake ,especially sister va Faith atsvaka piece job hake.-

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