Wednesday, May 08

Mai TT Kahudofo Kutora Chimbadzo Chine 91% Interest Ndosaka Vanyura Muzvikwereti

Mai TT has 1 million followers how she has managed to get such a following is a shock , further more is how she has failed to capitalize on her huge following is another shock. After reading a post on Mafira Kureva of how Mai TT used a micro lending company to borrow $6200 and used her car as collateral, you start to realizd that not having education is a curse. Looking at the contract, which Mai TT signed she agreed to pay company an interst rate of 91%. Since Mai TT is drowing in Zvikwereti the $6200 which she borrowed will be worth $12400 in a few months. 

Nechishona so that mese munzwe Mai TT vakakwereta chimbadzo che $6200 vakabvuma kuzobhadhara mari yacho yaya $12400 , mafungiro akadai anoratidza kuti chikoro chakakosha.

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