Thursday, May 02

Zvofumurwa Mai Mazowe Varikutipa Cos Risina Mabasa Tavekutotsvaira Mudzimba Nekuita Washen Mu Uk

Cos risina ma hours 

Munhu akasvika nezuro akutotsvaga mabasa eku cleaner nekuwacha koiro basa rakukafambira raita sei?





Ma shifts apera here nekushandwa kunoitwa ku care off yacho unotoda kuzorora 





Utori nani wakutofunga zvekutsvaga ma piece jobs vekwa mai mazoe vari kuswero nwa zvapomba ne ma whiskey ukofor ma socialites i dont want to understand why they want to come here honestly, ma Live aye nema videos anoita mari yekuti kuma shift






haiienzanise, stay where you are ne content yako waka laxer in africa its way better than Uk, most companies ane management africans or zimbos akadhakwa last number kubva mashandiro acho Rota chairo rouya






manheru haurare wakamirira kuziva kuti ndoshanda here mangwana, ini kuvarungu Rota kusvika 1st week Jan ndanaro, i can plan zvinhu zvangu zvisina pressure, ma company aya akutengesa ma Cos🚮🚮🚮

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