Monday, May 06

Vanhu Voti People Will Never Take Kettina Serious Dai Aita Register To Vote Isu Toti Mebho Totomuda Akadaro Arikutogadzirisa Nyika

Takatomutora serious kare. Ketty has finished her mission kare and vacho that were targeted by her message which is vanhu vema rounds, potential vanhu vemaround and macompany vakatonzwa message kare and they are staying clearance of maitt which was the goal. The rest is entertainment and we are here for it nema stars ✨ zvese πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ go ketty goDai Ketty achitomhanya neregister to vote zvirinani, izvi zvemaaudios azvishande and taneta. People will never take her serious cz anonyanya zvinyadzi nekakusakwana so, izvezvi nyaya dzemari yemaround akangozvitaura 2days zvikashaya basa cz akungohumana. And vese vezvikwereti vakaenda kwaari chikiti achangoti endayi mobhadharwa kufacebook πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Corruption yemuZim ungazoigona here iwe hakowo kettina🀣🀣🀣ana Hopewell vakazvitadza wani kozoti iwe hakowo razaro. Register to vote uko udzokere kuZim kunovoter not kungotinyaudza neheartbreak yako naFeli

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